Horse Chestnut
Originally from the Balkans but long naturalised in Ireland, the familiar Horse Chestnut - Aesculus hippocastanum - is a large, deciduous tree, with a broad, domed, spreading crown and imposing habit. The branches are slightly pendulous, turning up at the tips. The big, sticky buds are very prominent in winter. In May, the tree is covered with showy ‘candles’ of creamy white flowers with a yellow spot which turns pinkish-red with age; these are a valuable nectar-source for bees. These are followed in early autumn by big, spiky fruit which split to expose the familiar, shiny-brown ‘conker’. The leaves, which appear early in April, are large and green, divided into 5-7 leaflets; they turn reddish brown in autumn. The Horse Chestnut makes a handsome specimen tree for a park or large garden, and is of interest at all times of year.
Site: Tolerates exposure
Soil: Any reasonably well-drained soil
Position: Full sun or partial shade
Season of Interest: Spring, summer, autumn, winter
Hardiness: Fully hardy
Height: Eventually 130ft (39m) Spread: 26ft (8m)